Thursday, November 4, 2010

Anticipation Guide

Do you believe if you commit a sin, then you are a bad person? I don't believe sins make you a bad person. Here are my three reasons why. You are still a good person even if you commit a sin.
Most people commit sins everyday and they are still good people. If you heard your favorite teacher swear, how come he or she still your favorite teacher? Sometime it does happen. If you hit your little brother, why are you still nice to him? Most people are making mistake everyday.
There wouldn't be any good people on this earth. If everybody sin once or more in this life, then everyone are a bad person. If everyone are a bad person, then there would be wars all over the world.
Most people would be dead by now. Most people would be killing people after they realized they sins. The world would be like world war 2 for the past 10000 years. It would be horrible.
I believe if you did something bad, then you are still a good person. Everybody make a mistake once or more in their life. Do you agree with me on if you commit a sin, it doesn't make you a bad person?


  1. Really great job! It looks good! You have a really good argument. -Kailee L.

  2. really good job! I did mine on the same thing :)

  3. i very much agree with you!! good job :)
